When did you first notice hair loss or hair thinning?
Not started yet, I’m trying to prevent it
Over last 6 months to a year
Over a year
Noticed it began after a specific event (after a surgery, life stressor/trauma,
chemotherapy, or after starting a new medication)
Where are you noticing
hair loss?

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How much hair have you lost?

Only I notice it

Those close to me notice it

It's obvious to everyone
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Let's get regrowing
It’s not too late to see great results

Which treatments have you tried?
Select all that apply

Please provide further details of your prior treatments including strength (%) of any topicals and if anything was effective:
Did you experience any side effects with any of these treatments?

Please confirm if you intend to continue any of the above hair loss treatments.
Note: Your prescribing doctor needs to know everything you intend to use for hair loss to ensure the combination of therapies is safe for you.

Have you experienced any adverse reactions
with any prior hair loss treatments?

We got you
Got it, let’s find a treatment you’ll want to stick to this time
Starting with the best, good call
What results are you looking for?

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Good news
Results can be seen in as few as 3-6 months
Let’s make sure you’re eligible for treatment
My Date of Birth is
You are not 18 years or older, you will not qualify for prescription medication. Shop our over the counter remedies.